Privacy Policy
Edge Financial Pty Ltd trading as Edge Wealth is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
1. Why we collect information
We collect information for a number of reasons including:
To deliver products or services to you;
To better understand your requirements and preferences;
To improve our service to you;
Preparing your financial plan;
To provide financial advice to you;
Establish and manage your investments and accounts;
Implement your investment and insurance instructions;
Process any contributions, transfers or payments of benefits;
Monitor and report the investment performance of your account;
Reviewing your financial plan;
To provide you with future products and services you may be interested in; and
To fulfil our regulatory and legislative requirements.
2. How we collect this information
Information is generally collected:
When we ascertain from you the facts necessary to make a fair and reasonable assessment of their insurance
or financial needs and objectives (“Fact Find”); -
When you complete an application form for insurance;
When you complete an application form for an insurance claim;
When you complete and application form for investments;
When you complete an application form for superannuation
When you complete an application form to increase their level of insurance; or
When you complete supplementary medical or financial questionnaires.
If you are unable to provide us with their personal information, we may not be able to organise for them to receive a product or service. You can nominate an Authorised Representative to access their personal information. This can be revoked at any time.
Edge Wealth may collect personal information from a third party (such as another Financial Adviser, Product Provider or Medical Practitioner) or a publicly available source but only if you have consented to the collection or it can reasonably be expected that consent has been provided by you.
2.1 Privacy on the internet
Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives may use websites to collect personal information from you. Edge Wealth and Authorised Representatives may receive a password and a personal identification number to access details online. This information will be kept confidential and secure at all times.
2.1.1 Cookies
These are text files stored on a person’s computer when they visit a website. Their sole purpose is to identify users and possibly prepare customised web pages or to save site login information. Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives may use cookies on our websites.
Cookies can be purged from your browser after every use. This is generally a very simple procedure. Please refer to your browser’s help file for more information.
Although Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives strive to ensure your security, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure.
2.1.2 Links to third party websites
Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives may provide links on our web pages to external industry parties. The content and views expressed on these third party websites are not the responsibility of Edge Wealth or our Authorised Representatives.
2.2 Tax File Numbers
Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives may need to collect you tax file number to provide you with a product or a service (for example, managed fund investments and superannuation products). However this information will be kept securely and destroy or we will permanently de-identify TFN information where it is no longer required.
3. What we collect
The personal information generally collected includes:
Phone number;
Email address;
Age details;
Financial details;
Health Details;
Transaction information;
Bank account details;
Tax File Number;
Income details from employers;
Details of dependents;
Beneficiary details.
Where the information is deemed to be sensitive, for example, the collection of health information, there will be higher level of privacy protection afforded.
4. Disclosure of personal information
There may be cases where Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives will need to disclose your personal information to third parties. This is generally to assist us in providing you with a product or service. This may include:
Doctors, medical services or other organisation to help assist with the collection of information for an insurance application or a claim;
Any fund (investment administrator or superannuation trustee) to which your benefit is transferred, created or rolled over;
Your employer where it relates to your employer sponsored superannuation arrangement;
Your personal representative or any other person who may be entitled to receive your death benefit;
An external dispute resolution service, insurer or legal representative (where required or applicable);
The policy owner (where you are the life insurer but not the owner);
Exchange of information with authorised financial institutions to confirm bank account details for payment;
Service providers that maintain, review and develop our business systems;
Regulatory bodies (including the Australian Securities and Investment Commission) as required by law.
If required by law or a regulatory body to do so, Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives will comply and provide the appropriate body with the required information.
We do not currently disclose your personal information overseas.
4.1 How we hold personal information
Your hard copy and electronic records are stored in secure buildings and internal information systems.
4.1.1 Protecting personal information
We protect your information by way of staff training, secure storage and system security.
Edge Wealth will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify the personal information we hold once it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be used or disclosed.
5. Collection of sensitive information
Where you apply for certain life risk products (such as life insurance, income protection insurance, trauma insurance, total and permanent disability insurance) it will be necessary for Edge Wealth and our Authorised Representatives to collect sensitive information about your health. This information will only be collected when you give consent by completing the product’s application form. The information will be sourced by the Life Insurance company from the you, your medical professional and by other medical professionals where medical tests may have been performed.
Due to confidentiality, it is sometimes the case whereby Edge Wealth or the Authorised Representative may not be made fully aware of the medical circumstances by the Life Insurance Company.
Unless required by law, we will only collect sensitive information with your consent.
6. Sale of an Authorised Representative’s business
In the event that and our Authorised Representative proposes to sell their business, or if an Authorised Representative is no longer eligible to provide advice, we may disclose some of your personal and sensitive information to potential purchasers for the purpose of conducting due diligence investigations. Any such disclosures
will be made in the strictest confidence and conditional that no personal information will be used or disclosed by them. In the event of a sale being effected, Edge Wealth or our Authorised Representatives may transfer your personal information to the purchaser of the business. In this instance, you will be provided a notice by mail to your last known mailing address that such a transfer will be taking place. You will then have the opportunity to object to the transfer within 14 days of the date of the notice.
7. Access to personal information
You are able to access any personal information that is held by Edge Wealth or our Authorised Representatives subject to limited exceptions or required by law. The following factors will be considered:
The information is related to a commercially sensitive decision making process;
Access would be unlawful;
Denying access is required or authorised by or under law;
Providing access would be likely to prejudice an investigation of possible unlawful activity.
To access the information, you will need to contact the Privacy Officer as detailed in this policy.
You may be charged a small fee applicable to the collection and provision of their personal information but will be notified of this fee prior to processing their request. The Edge Wealth Privacy Officer will be able to advise you how long it will take to provide the information. Generally however, you will receive the requested information within 14 days
of the request.
If you believe that the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, you have a right to request your personal information be corrected.
Where we are unable to provide you with the information you have requested or correct your information, we will inform you and explain the reasons why.
7.1 Anonymity and pseudonymity
You may remain anonymous or use a pseudonym when dealing with us. However, it may not be possible for us to assist you with your request if you wish to use a pseudonym or remain anonymous.
Changes to this statement
Edge Financial Group may make changes to our Privacy Policy from time to time.
Contacting us about privacy
If you would like further information regarding our Privacy Policy, or if you think we have breached any aspect of this Privacy Statement, please contact our Privacy Officer, by:
Telephone: 08 9267 2233
Post: Locked Bag 5000 Osborne Park WA 6917
Issued by Edge Financial Group Pty Ltd, ABN 51 105 803 361 | AFSL 534400 Suite 3, 128 Main St Osborne Park WA 6017 T: 08 9267 2233